To raise money, Student Council held their ‘Soak a StuCo Member’ event on Aug. 16.

ICE COLD Volunteering to get soaked for Student Council on Aug. 16, Aralyn Brennan (12) gets soaked by her sister's best friend, Bailey Mohn (9). Even though she knew the bucket was filled with ice, Brennan regretted volunteering as soon she felt the water. “I had to go to EVIT, so I'm glad we were able to change and had a pair of dry clothes,” Brennan said. “It's a good thing we didn't have to sit in wet clothes.”

DOUBLE THREAT Attempting to drench their friend, Natalee Anforth (10), Lyric Irwin (10) and Zachary Ledoux (12) team up on Aug. 16. Wanting to ensure Anforth actually got wet, Irwin paid for two buckets to share with Ledoux. “I really wanted to make sure Natalee got wet so I got Zach to be my partner in crime,” Irwin said. “It was definitely worth the money.”

FILLER UP Restocking the buckets of water on Aug. 16, Kimberly Ranken (11) focuses on filling them as fast as she can for the Student Council event. Having done the event once before, Ranken was curious to see how it would turn out again. “We made over $100 in 30 minutes so we wanted to try it again and see what would happen,” Ranken said. "We did it last year kind of on a whim and it was a really big hit.”